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About us

Somewhere over the rainbow? Somewhere in the clouds? Somewhere in the black and white?
Somewhere in that strategy document is an idea waiting to happen.
We help you with The Thinking and The Execution. The Strategy and The Creative. The Talk and The Walk.
if you want some sparkling thinking on your next big strategic move, some fairy dust on your creative output,
or simply superior execution of your next big thing, we are just a pixel away!


Devendra Maharshi

Meet Devendra Maharshi or Dev, as he is popularly known.

Dev is the get-it-done guy. He is the one that takes stuff from imagination and makes it concrete. Dev’s magic is more in doing and getting things done. And sometimes they are the things that you didn’t know were possible.

His background spans the retail and visual merchandising industries and his ability to bring to the 3D space stuff that was in 2D is what sets him apart. His knowledge spans the arena of print and production, outdoor, branding and events and even signages. So if there’s a pixel and there’s magic, there’s Dev making it come to life.

Dinesh Parab

Meet Dinesh Parab. He puts the magic into Pixel Magic.

For Dinesh, art is a by-product of his ideas and awards a by-product of his art. His ability lies in getting into the crux of the brief, taking on the challenge, working in close conjunction with his fellow creative partners and then extracting the best out of the team, technology and the final execution.

As a perfect art person, Dinesh dislikes the task of writing and prefers writing EVERYTHING in ALLCAPS. “Why write,” he says, “when you can draw every situation, every mood, and all the colours of life!” Right now Dinesh is engaged in a deep evolutionary process of getting more salt than pepper on his head, and if you do want to know him, one must meet him to know his wit.
